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medical first aid中文是什么意思

用"medical first aid"造句"medical first aid"怎么读"medical first aid" in a sentence


  • 精通急救
  • 医疗急救


  • The hospital accommodation should be designed so as to facilitate consultation and the giving of medical first aid and to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases
  • Where a cargo which is classified dangerous has not been included in the most recent edition of the [ i ] medical first aid guide for use in accidents involving dangerous goods [ / i ] , the necessary information on the nature of the substances , the risks involved , the necessary personal protective devices , the relevant medical procedures and specific antidotes should be made available to the seafarers
    如果属危险品的货物尚未列入最新版本的《用于涉及危险品事故的医疗急救指南》 ,应向海员提供关于该物质的性质、存在的风险、必要的个人保护装置、相关的医疗程序和专用解毒剂方面的必要信息。
  • Used for lowering the temperature and bringing down a fever , is it stop the pain to diminish inflammation , skin care styptic , accident is it hurt various kinds of sports type damage , muscle draw wounded spraining slight scald , burning traumatism arrest blood , not waterproof and swollen to touch , the feverish , toothache dispels the fatigue to suffer heatstroke , have a headache , producing refreshing effect to the mind , medical first aid , etc .
  • Used for lowering the temperature and bringing down a fever , is it stop the pain to diminish inflammation , skin care styptic , accident is it hurt various kinds of sports type damage , muscle draw wounded spraining slight scald , burning traumatism arrest blood , not waterproof and swollen to touch , the feverish , toothache dispels the fatigue to suffer heatstroke , have a headache , producing refreshing effect to the mind , medical first aid , etc .
用"medical first aid"造句  
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